We have divided the India in five zones
Endometriosis Society India is the First Organization to work on Endometriosis & Adenomyosis since 2003, not only in India but probably in South East Asia as well. In India there are 28 states & 8 Union Territories (UT). We intend to open at least 2 chapters in each state & UT which would work independently under the umbrella of 5 geographical zonal coordinators as above to fight this disease with earliest suspicion, reduction of most valuable ‘onset-detection interval of 8-10 years’, keeping this disease under control with Medical Management as far as practicable, surgery only by experts in this field, successful conception & quality life from early adolescence onwards. Quite a few Chapters have already been opened & many are there in the pipeline. We are also trying to work in collaboration with neighboring and other countries which is under process as well.