Public Awareness

Endometriosis, a global problem, is a chronic progressive inflammatory  menstrual disorder of ‘as yet unknown specific cause’ which may start at any age of women’s life resulting in moderate to severe pain in lower tummy either in relation of menstruation period or as chronic pelvic pain and other areas of body, incapacitating her from doing usual work /job/ profession etc. with progressive poorer quality of life, if not detected & timely managed. It may be presented first as a case of  Infertility or with symptoms of painful intercourse, pain or bleeding during defecation or urination.  Someone might be having only various vague symptoms. More than 26 million of women in India are suffering from Endometriosis with or without Adenomyosis and its incidence would be around 33.3% in Adolescent girls who are having painful menses.

Endometriosis Awareness Day is observed globally on 1st March & Endometriosis Awareness Month is considered as entire March or March-April combination.

But it is felt why we would not observe the same every day or 365 days considering the gravity of the Endo-scenario at present?


The Endometriosis Association (USA) initiated Endometriosis Awareness Month in 1993. What started as a small-scale campaign is observed worldwide today. These campaigns include fundraisers, educational activities, and marches. The Endometriosis Association promotes the cause by providing information and support to those with this condition with distributing yellow ribbons.

Endometriosis affects one out of 10 women in the U.S., and an estimated 220 million women globally out of which 47-56 million of women are there from India as already highlighted. Despite these startling numbers, there is not much awareness of it and the condition is often misdiagnosed. According to the Endometriosis Foundation of America, a lack of awareness and education on the disease is a big hurdle toward detection. Through the efforts of participating organizations, the medical community, NGOs and civil society, more people are learning about the condition. However, there is still a need for better understanding, particularly about early diagnosis and treatment. Awareness part remained underrated even now compared to eagerness for scientific programs by most of the clinicians. We direly need a revolution of this attitude.

Timely detection and intervention can give patients a chance to treat the symptoms before it gets out of control and requires surgery. Article Sponsored Find something for everyone in our collection of colourful, bright and stylish socks. Buy individually or in bundles to add color to your sock drawer!



It requires awareness

According to the Endometriosis Foundation of America, awareness is the biggest issue in battling endometriosis. The whole month starting from the day(1 st March) is dedicated to primarily creating awareness.

Promoting research

Epidemiological Survey is of utmost importance.Throughout March, professionals, researchers, and scientists specializing in this domain rely on information collected to find better treatments for  Endometriosis. This will lead to more women being helped globally.

Endometriosis leads to infertility

Endometriosis is currently the leading cause of infertility as undiagnosed asymptomatic Endometriosis also. Managing the symptoms is extremely important.


Endo Social Worrier
Organized by BSF 118 battalion. At Boltalla BOP HingalGanj

Purulia Nistarini College

Date: 16.03.2023
Total : Beneficiary 200 heads — students and professors

Beldih Ramkrishna Vivekananda Ideal School

Date: 16.03.2023
Total Beneficiary : 40 orphanage children
Jamda Primary School
Date: 17.03.2023
Total Beneficiary : 220 Poor Adibashi

Dance with Adivashi

South End School

Date: 18.03.2023
Total : Beneficiary 30 heads – Students and Teachers
Aslea College & Sofia College
Date: 18.03.2023
Total Beneficiary : 385 students and teaching staff

PA Programme at Swarnym Foundation

Date: World Menstrual Hygeine Day 28.5 23

PA program on Menstrual Hygiene

PA programme along with Rotary club