Scientific Program 2024

 1.1st Endometricon at Varanasi – National Conference with International participation on 20-22 /12/2024

2) Dr Pradip Mitra, Secretary General explored various North American Universities ( USA & Canada) for setting up ESI chapters with extensive interaction with GPs & Consultants cum Scientists apart from involving them in ESI activities and understanding the differences in the approach to Endometriosis in Developed & Developing countries. He also attended as Faculty in some International Conferences there.

3. Darbhanga Chapter, 2024:

The Darbhanga Chapter of ESI is the last chapter as of now which was born quite a few months back by the exclusive endeavour put forward by Dr Bharat Prasad. Apart from awareness & other small programs the ‘Mega- Endo Evening’ was organised by this chapter on 24th Nov, 2024. The President & Chapter in charge Dr Bharat Prasad was felicitated with ‘life time award’ for his devotion, academic aptitude & great organizational capacity from ESI Secretariat by Dr Pradip Mitra, who was incidentally the chief guest as well. After lighting of the lamp & inaugural program with facilitation of other chapter office bearers, the scientific session went on in the form 3 consecutive lectures on Endometriosis & one oration on Adenomyosis as delivered by Dr Pradip Mitra with extensive interactions. This chapter with its dynamic body seems to conduct various Endometriosis by related programs independently throughout the year. The program ended with a vote of thanks and sumptuous dinner.

4. Asian Conference of Endometriosis 2025, Kolkata :

Organising Chair: Mr P Das Mahapatra, Organizing Secretary: Dr Pradip Mitra

Scientific Prorgram-International (2024-2025)

Geneva ,Switzerland:

Some member of ESI were invited as International Faculty in SUED 2024 ( Society of Endometriosis & Uterine diseases) at Geneva, Switzerland from 18-20th April,2024. They are Dr Parul Kodtawala,Dr Rooma Sinha, Dr Asha Rao , Dr Mala Raj & of course Dr Pradip Kr Mitra, Secretary General, ESI. This was a highly prestigious platform where our ESI members could project their work in International Platform. Dr Mitra was entrusted with some other scientific involvement by the the organizers on D3 which had enormous impact on western delegates & faculties. Dr Mitra, secretary General could make personal relationship with faculties of different subspecialties, from basic scientists to clinicians to members of United Nation in the greater interest of ESI.

Scientific Prorgram-International 

AOFOG 2024- Busan, Korea:

Dr Pradip Kr Mitra has been invited as International Faculty in the above mentioned Congress in 16-20th May 2024

Dr Pradip Mitra, Secretary General,ESI has been selected at Geneva as Chief Research Investigator ( India),MARIE PROJECT & Post Menopausal Endometriosis , under Birmingham University, UK, ( 2024- 2026).
His team will work for India

Scientific Committee – National (2023-2024-2025)

Bihar & Jharkhand:

  1. At Gaya, Bihar- A high level scientific conference with Public Awareness Program was held in August, 2023 where different eminent National Speakers delivered lectures on Endometriosis & Adenomyosis. Dr Pradip Mitra ,Secretary General –ESI , was very much instrumental in Public Awareness Programs in 5-6 schools apart from his scientific commitments with the active role played By East Zone Co-coordinator Dr Prachi Sing
  2. At Dhanbad, Jharkhand: 16th & 17th March, 2024– A National conference organized by AOGSBJ (Association of Ob-Gy Societies of Bihar & Jharkhand) and FOGSI where ESI members from different zones were invited as National Faculty. It was a memorable conference with extensive involvement of Dr Rangila Sinha from Muzzafarpur , the senior most active member of almost all organizations of National & International Levels. Dr Pradip Mitra & Dr Bhaskar Pal delivered their respective lectures. Dr Mitra was the Judge of Free Communication & highlighted the role of ESI at National Level. A Dhanbad Chapter of ESI is going to be opened soon.


  1. Varanasi: 4th March 2024 – Report of Dr Sudha Singh : A Public Awareness Program was held at St Atuland School under supervision of Dr Singh. Apart from that a scientific program will be held there by Varanashi Chapter in in the form a lecture by Mr PDM & a Panel Discussion on Endometriosis on 7th April 2024

Scientific Committee – International (2023 – 2024)


  1. Kolkata: ICE 2023 International Conference on Endometriosis: 9th & 10th December, 2024– This superb conference was held at Dhana Dhanye Auditorium Complex with brain storming scientific program including one workshop & Public Awareness Program in the form of a fast ever panel discussion with International Faculties as panelists apart from recognition cum facilitation of ‘Endo-Warriors’ who are working at grass root level for ESI , under the dynamic leadership of the trio – The 3P as PDM,PKM,PKB i.e. Mr Pramathes Dasmahapatra, President & Org. Chair, Dr Pradip Kr. Mitra, Secretary General & Org. Secretary  & Dr Partha Kumar Bhattacharya , the Scientific Secretary along with the organizing committee , the mixed bag of senior most to most junior members of ESI. Nearly 310 delegates and faculties from all over the world (nearly 19 countries) had actively participated in the conference to make it a grand success.

Bangladesh. Dhaka:

  1. Bangladesh. Dhaka 29th Feb- 2nd March ,2024 :International Conference on Endometriosis : Organized by Endometriosis Society Bangladesh(EBS) & Asian Society of Endometriosis & Adenomysis (ASEA) . Drs Rooma Sinha, Dr Partha Bhattacherya & Dr Pradip Mitra attended the conference as invited International Faculty from ESI with multiple involvements like Speaker, Chairperson, Panelist, Debater etc. It was one excellent conference with grand success. Hospitality, Introduction, Mementos, Gifts etc.  for International Faculties were outstanding. A write up of Dr Pradip Mitra on ‘Screening of Endometriosis’ was published in the souvenir. Nearly 500+ participants were there & endeavor of 3S – Dr Sameena Chaudhury, Dr Saleha Begam & Dr Sharmin Abbasi was mesmerizing.

Manila, Philippines :

  1. Manila, Philippines Manila, Philippines  :International Conference on Endometriosis : Organized by Philipine Ob/Gy Society & ASEA : Indian session of 2 hours was provided to ESI after much interaction with the organisors. Dr Parul Kodtawala, Dr Rooma Sinha ,Dr P Das Mahapatra & Dr Pradip Mitra  had attended the conference as International Faculty. Dr PDM chaired the session & others had presented their respective topics in wonderful manner with extensive interactions. A beautiful Certificate was handed over to each Faculty. Dr P Das Mahapatra had been declared as representative member from India in the Board of Council of ASEA.

 2. Bali, Indonesia , 2024.  ACE 2024 was held at Bali , Indonesia in 18-20 Sept. Dr Pradip Mitra, Secretary General had to work very hard to I) Obtain 2 hours for Indian Session.ii) He had to submit repeatedly all the documents to prove that ESI is the first society in India & South East Asia to work on Endometriosis & Adenomyosis since 2003. So why Indian Session would not be branded as exclusively ESI session ! Ultimately it was granted & from that conference the Indian Session has been branded as ESI Session for ever. iii) Dr Mitra had been putting extreme effort to include ESI President as one of the board members of ASEA for last 3 years by putting forward numerous activities of ESI as superior to other Asian Countries. Ultimately it was also granted & Mr P Das Mahapatra, President , ESI , became one of the board members of ASEA. In Indian Session 8 speakers delivered lectures & Mr Das Mahapatra delivered 2 lectures in a different session.As Dr Pradip Mitra was in USA for prefixed faculty there, his lecture was presented by Dr Polly Chatterjee apart from delivering her own lecture . Others were Drs Rooma Sinha, T Ramani Debi , Abhininesh Chatterjee , Smeet Patel etc.