History of ESI
Endometriosis is a benign yet progressive disease of woman’s lower abdomen which only rarely kills but can cause crippling pain and childlessness – sometimes severely affecting her quality of life. Ironically, awareness about this disease, even among the medical fraternity and not to say of common people, is less than optimal.
Upon this background, Endometriosis Society India has been established in 2003 under the leadership of Dr. B.N Chakravarty and Mr. Pramathes Das Mahapatra with their five other colleagues. It is a voluntary, non-profit organisation presently with about 150 members from all over India.
The mission of the Society is to fight against endometriosis by raising the awareness at all levels, training the caregivers for better management of this disease and promoting researches on endometriosis. This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs
We are regularly organizing interactive scientific seminars in different cities of India and even abroad; awareness programmes among teenage girls; public awareness meets for patients and their relatives. We involve ourselves in research activities in collaboration with national level scientific bodies and international scientific meets. We have our own newsletter – Endoinsight to spread our message across the country.
We are Endometriosis fighters!