Live Webinar: Meet the expert : Live webinar organized zone wise as decided by GBM held on 22.06.2020. Each webinar was attended two International Faculties. There were outstanding interactions.
First e–Journal was lunched on 18th October, 2020 during West Zone Webinar. (e–Journal – Endometriosis Update).
Endometriosis Society India signed a contract on 29th October 2020 with Endometriosis Society of Bangladesh to study jointly
incidence of Endometriosis amongst adolescent girls in the schools.
Dr. P. DasMahapatra represented Endometriosis Society India to OBGS of Bangladesh for webinar on Endometriosis –
Management of Endometriosis Associated Infertility on 26.08.2020 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm.
Endo Awareness program at Nursing College , Burdwan.26/03/2023.Attended by 200 nursing students.
Endometriosis Society India in association with Apollo Hospitals and Medical College & ISOPARB Hyderabad Chapter is
organised a CME on Endometriosis.
Talk By
Dr. Suparna Banerjee
Topic- When should we offer IVF in Endometriosis?
Case Based Discussions
ModeratorDr. Rooma Sinha
Around 70 attendees and 120 online.