Tribute to Our Founder

A man with ocean of knowledge but so simple & down to earth, always approachable with nonstop outflow of knowledge at any time & anywhere on any topic ranging from Preventive Medicine to Cancer Surgery, Infertility to Reconstructive Surgery, Genetics to Molecular Biology & Immunology and what not, with a smiling welcome face –Yes,  he was our ‘All Time  Living Legend’ – The BNC. I never add the word ‘Late’ before his name as he is always in our heart & brain. The Endometriosis Society India was the brain child of Sir BNC,the Founder President and ‘Transformation of this concept into reality’ was done by another stalwart – The first teacher of Endoscopic Surgery for all generations – Mr. PDM way back in 2004 when most of  ‘the then’ big shots of our fraternity used to laugh behind the screen. But ‘time always pays it back’ but too intelligently with equal brutality. After about two decades most, if not everyone, are trying to reach the hill top by grasping the different arenas of Endometriosis – a disease which was restricted to 6-7 pages, decades back, in any text book – proved itself to have so innumerable subspecialties that tons of literature failed to explore the Gem. If you are in the market for superclone Replica Rolex , Super Clone Rolex is the place to go! The largest collection of fake Rolex watches online!

He discarded our orthodox belief that research is advocated on ‘basic science’ only. Clinicians have more materials for research and publication & sir was the pioneer to prove the enormous impact of clinical data preservation with research followed by publication which is being followed by all successful clinicians of western world. Incomplete clinicians have no recognized place in developed countries.

Just imagine the foresightedness of our beloved Sir, BNC – A man whose ‘Memory & Brain Functions’ were sharpening with advancement of age while others remained as victims of Alzheimer’s of variable intensity – I was one spellbound spectator but fortunate enough to have his affection and guidance in my very limited ‘Journey with Endometriosis’

Sir, just bless us from heaven to carry forward your flag in the rest of our life with a mission to imbibe & infuse your thoughts and foresightedness to the ‘Gens to come’. Pranam.

Dr Pradip Kr Mitra

Secretary General

Endometriosis Society India

1st March, 2023